Sunday, December 22, 2019

Parents Should Not Be Blamed For Bullying - 1075 Words

Have you considered why we blame parents for their children being bullied? Parents should not be blamed for something their child did. I’ve researched this topic for awhile. We all should know that bullying is a major issue in today’s society. What’s even worse is the parents are being blamed for this! Though it was the bullies fault, the parents still get in trouble. This argument will prove that parents shouldn’t be BLAMED for bullying someone when it was their child; parents don’t have twenty-four hour watch on their child, the parents didn’t do anything, and also the child can learn to not bully instead of forcing blame to the parents. Some people may argue that parents should be blamed for bullying because they are the ones who take care of the child. Although, research shows that with a little help the bullying can completely stop with a little help instead of having everyone punished for these things (No Bully). Also, everyone can get a warning instead of getting in trouble with the law (Temkin). Parents being blamed or responsible for their children being bullies is not okay because some parents do not talk to their children a lot in fear of being the ‘bad parent.’ If the parent does not talk with their child then how do the children learn from their mistakes? Laurence Steinberg, a psychology professor at Temple University, says â€Å"Punishment in general isn’t effective at this age. School is where we want them, so punishing them by taking them out of school seemsShow MoreRelatedCyberbullying: Are Social Networking Websites The Cause? Essay1320 Words   |  6 Pagesnetworking sites the act of cyber bullying - bullying and harassing someone through the internet was born. Now, whether or not the websites are the cause of cyber bullying has become a rather controversial topic. 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